Paris: Ch. Reinwald, [1878]. First edition. 8vo., 16 pp. Original printed wrappers, which shows light stains and 4 short clear tape mends to the rear wrapper and 1 to a few letters on the final text leaf. Light wear to the untrimmed lower blank edge. Item #53532
Charles Fabre (1851 - 1933) a professor and adept photochemist, was the editor of AIDE-MÉMOIRE DE PHOTOGRAPHIE, 1876 - 1910, a yearly pocket compendium, which included an extensive listing of European photographic societies, photographic journals, a bibliography of recent publications, and reviews of the latest equipment, processes and an extensive list of French photographers and well as his massive TRAITÉ ENCYCLOPÉDIQUE DE PHOTOGRAPHIE.
This short work was issued as a separate pamphlet under the direction of "Matériaux pour l'histoire primitive de l'homme." It is one of the first treatises on photography as applied to anthropology, and provides a methodology and information as to where the supplies may be acquired.
Roosens and Salu No. 301. OCLC locates only three copies, all in French libraries.
Price: $120.00